How to deal with other people’s opinion at trading

How to deal with other people’s opinion at trading

How often have you sought advice from fellow traders? Chances are, you've done so numerous times. However, it's crucial for investors to recognize the value of independent learning. In this industry, advice is the most abundant resource available. Traders, from novices to experts, all offer recommendations based on their understanding. Ultimately, it's up to traders to decide whether to heed this advice. Often, people tend to lean on the words of others, finding solace in the fact that it wasn't their own decision if something goes awry. They take comfort in the avoidance of blame.

If you aspire to build a career in this profession, it's essential to understand the psychology behind relying on the opinions of others and how it can erode your innate talent as an investor. Let's delve into the details.

The Unreliability of Advice:

This isn't just a mantra from experts; it's a lesson drawn from experience, which some have shared to guide the community. Forex groups, while active and seemingly helpful, can be perilous. Members may offer instant responses to your queries, but this guidance isn't always sound. Many traders incur losses by placing trust in these unproven solutions. In the online realm, it's challenging to verify information's authenticity. When phony signals are convincingly explained, it becomes difficult to distinguish them from genuine, valuable signals.

Instead of depending on others' advice, focus on honing your decision-making skills. Explore educational materials available at places like Saxo. By acquiring a strong foundation in education, you'll develop the unique ability to analyze the market during critical situations, enabling you to make independent decisions.

Words Alone Aren't Enough; You Need Data:

Any solution should remain speculative until supported by solid evidence. Software engineers have incorporated various tools and indicators into trading platforms. Some even employ artificial intelligence to assist clients. These forecasts are rooted in past market data, research, and trends. Take advantage of these tools to ensure you're on the right track. While experts may falter, data remains a steadfast guide. It's the most reliable way to gain an edge in the competitive market.

Sometimes people trade when others are abstaining because their analysis supports a particular trend. Trusting your intuition or acting on advice without data support can lead to failure. No matter how persuasive it sounds, avoid this approach. You'll likely regret it.

The Exception: Advice from Professionals:

Professionals are market experts who truly understand the ins and outs of the industry. If a trader is receiving personalized guidance or has enrolled in a premium course, it's wise to heed their mentor's advice. These mentors provide the best guidance and are unlikely to engage in fraudulent activities, as their reputation is at stake.

However, a word of caution is warranted. If an investor is affiliated with a particular broker, it's best to be cautious of any advice coming from that source. Such advice may be skewed to convince potential clients to register with their partner broker. Independent individuals who operate transparently and possess a proven track record of success are the best mentors in the world of Forex.

In Conclusion:

We're not suggesting you avoid seeking advice from seasoned traders. We're simply advocating for not basing your trades solely on the opinions of others. Nobody can predict the market with 100% accuracy. It's wiser to execute trades based on your own well-thought-out trading strategy. Open a demo account, practice, and refine your skills so that you won't need to rely on others.

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